Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (#16)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the girls over at The Broke and the Bookish, where bloggers get together and list the top ten things related to that week's topic.

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  1. I love the topic you picked! And I totally agree. The Maze Runner would be great, even though I wasn't a huge fan. The Hunger Games is a must read, of course ;)
    And Harry Potter too! Awesome list :D

    My TTT

    1. I loved The Maze Runner, I'm just hesitant about the rest of the series!

  2. Excellent choice of topic since everyone thinks YA is for girls. Amazing list too - I agree with every one.

    1. Thank you! My younger brother is in that phase between liking childrens books and YA books, so I half based this on him, despite the fact that he likes reading.

  3. We had similar topic ideas! I wish I hadn't limited myself to the YA genre though - The Hitchhiker's Guide is a perfect pick!
