Tuesday 27 December 2011

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

When sixteen-year-old Tessa Gray crosses the ocean to England to find her brother‚ the time is the reign of Queen Victoria‚ and something terrifying is waiting for her in London's Downworld‚ where supernatural folk stalk the gaslit streets. Only the Shadowhunters‚ warriors dedicated to ridding the world of demons‚ keep order amidst the chaos. Tessa soon learns that she is a Downworlder with a rare ability: the power to transform into another person.

 After reading the Mortal Instruments series, I thought it would be impossible for this series to live up to its high standards - but it has, and even more so; I adored Clockwork Angel. This novel was the perfect piece to set off the series, what with an incredibly thick and twisted plot that is easy to follow, but still nevertheless complicated. All the mystery and twists and turns within the book make it absolutely un-put-downable, and, especially towards the end, I found myself unable to stop reading. It is truly amazing. I know I have said quite a few times that I'm not incredibly fond of books set in the past - but honestly? This novel has completely turned my opinion around. The way in which Clare unfolds not just the plot, but the characters, is brilliant, because she gives away little pieces to keep the reader satisfied, but not enough to give away the whole plot, which keeps the reader reading. And I have to say that every character was very well developed. I could feel all their emotions swirling around me, and I have genuinley grown attatched to quite a few of them (namely Jem, Henry and Sophie). I also loved how the characters both in the Mortal Instruments and the Infernal Devices are related - and how you can tell! Jace and Will both have that same easy arrogance; the Lightwoods both have that natural superiority. You can feel the family connection, and despite this being complete fiction, I do find it incredibly real at times. So, I think it is obvious enough to say that I loved this book, and I am eagerly awaiting to read Clockwork Prince, the second installment to this brilliant series.

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